5 Reasons that your Business is at Serious Risk

Here are just a few of the situations IT Security Solutions has encountered when performing an assessment.
All of the comments are focused on organizations with more than 2 computers in their network, a Firewall and Virus protection on each computer. If this describes your organization, then your business could be at serious risk

Has your organization has ever had a Virus or Malware in your computer or personal device?

Today’s intruders don’t want to advertise their presence inside your organization. Today’s intruders deliver more than just one piece of malware. In fact, each piece of malware also includes the ability to scan your network, and find how many other computers, printers and other devices there as well. The longer they can remain undetected, the more infiltrated they are inside the organization.

You might ask how do they do this? The malware that they plant on devices, only resides on your computer as long as it’s needed to update the computer to include a backdoor for the attackers to return. As soon as the attacker creates a back door, the Malware/Trojan is removed. That means that the chance for a Virus scanner to see the malware on the computer is seriously limited.

More than likely, the Malware succeeds in the attack of your computer, and you will not ever know that your computer was effected, until it’s too late.

If your office has an internet connection which is used for business activities during the day, what else is permitted?

This about the activities on Social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, here is a list of 65+ Social Networking Sites - https://makeawebsitehub.com/social-media-sites/
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Vulnerability Scanning and Remediation Services
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Attackers exploit the distribution of Social Media channels to connect and control tens of thousands daily. To the intruders, this is like shooting fish in a barrel.

I’ve discussed this issue with IT Professionals and have discovered that most have a liberal program to permit users to use the internet. Some even justify it as saying that ‘Students need to be able to explore opportunities with all of the websites, their next job may come from there.’

If your organization uses a generous work policy, that includes any of the following. Remote Access, Remote Offices, Laptops which are permitted outside of the office, remote workers?

If your organization uses a generous work policy, that includes any of the following. Remote Access, Remote Offices, Laptops which are permitted outside of the office, remote workers?

Does your organization permit personal devices to connect to your network, or have business email on them?

Give this a moment to sink in.

On your personal devices, where are the Firewalls or Virus Scanners? You should realize that these devices do not have one, unless you have installed something yourself. Even if the device has a firewall or scanner on it, what level of protection do you expect that this provides?

How long ago was your last Security/Risk Assessment?

These activities are recommended at least annually, and normally within 30 days of making a change to the network. The important thing to remember here is that the Security Assessment is performed by certified individuals that are interested in protecting your business. Ultimately you can choose not to perform the assessment, in which case the intruders will be performing the assessment, and they are constantly doing that. When the Intruders perform the assessment, you won’t be told the results of the assessment. You may not be aware of what they have discovered, until they want you to. That’s right, they don’t need to let you know, and you may not know just how much of the company that they have accessed. Your current tools are not able to detect the intrusion, or stop it. In fact, today’s security tools can only partially detect the next attack. Firewalls and Virus Scanners are reported to be only 4% effective.


Your network has likely evolved beyond the initial PCs, and Printers. Many networks have added WiFi, personal Devices, and many other Internet of Things (IoT) devices which have no protects either. 
Our personal devices (cell phones, tablets) are never off of the Internet, and we insure that they have sufficient power at all times. We are now so dependent on these devices, that we also allow Business Communications on them as well.

This presents the opportunity for attackers to engage in our want for information, as well as the convenience of connecting to everyone (including high value targets), to get the access and information that they are seeking.

The critical problem here is that you cannot stop, what you cannot see. We have the tools and experience to highlight the unseen activities, and stop the attackers before they can succeed.

IT Security Solutions, Inc. is a Pittsburgh-based technology company with 25+ years of cyber security domain expertise catering to businesses of all sizes. The solutions offered range from technology security audits and penetration testing to continuous network scanning. The company recently launched ITS Safe™, a proprietary managed security solution that blocks hackers from attacking networks - the largest IT security threat facing businesses today. 

Year after year, the Pittsburgh business community recognizes IT Security Solutions, Inc. for their expertise and thought leadership in cybersecurity.

Contact IT Security Solutions to discuss how the ITS Safe managed security service will benefit your company today.

Risk Management and Assessment for Business Investment Concept. Modern graphic interface showing symbols of strategy in risky plan analysis to control unpredictable loss and build financial safety.

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